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If you are interested in further supporting the work of Center House Association in addition to keeping current with your membership dues, we welcome your generosity. 

We always have a need to pay operating expenses, particularly in the area of funding at least two social events per year for the alumni and current Officers of the Center House Mess.  We do not charge currently-serving Barracks Officers to attend the annual Marine Barracks Birthday Luncheon or the Fall Social/BBQ, so we have set up a fund specifically for that purpose, called the "General Operating Fund", out of which these expenses are paid. 

In addition, at times we will establish a separate fund to which to contribute, as we conduct fund-raising campaigns to present a significant gift to the Barracks which has been coordinated with the Barracks Commanding Officer to ensure it fits with the needs and desires of the currently-serving Officers of the Mess.  This fund is named specifically for the gift being presented.

Center House Association is a qualified war veteran’s non-profit organization under section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code, so your donation should be tax-deductible; however, we recommend checking with your tax advisor to confirm.

We appreciate any contribution toward our efforts -- with great gratitude!